The Mystery of Matrimony

By Fr. Arsenie Boca

“Jesus renders the bodily union of man and wife holy,

raising marriage to the height of great Mistery

— in Christ and in the Church.”

Fr. Arsenie Boca

 One Body

For as long as all the leaders of this world are not redundant, we shall render the money printed with their names; for as long as all people are not like angels, our nations need to multiply.

The family and the government lowly institutions when we think about the happiness that exists in heaven – are necessary during our earthly awaiting of Heaven. However, for as long as these institutions are necessary, they will have to avoid being too unclean and rickety, as much as possible.

Whoever is in a leading position (the government) should feel the responsibility just as much as the one who serves; and the union between man and woman (the family) should be eternal and non-deceitful.


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About Humility

By Father Cleopa

“…For God resisteth the proud,

and giveth grace to the humble.”

(1 Peter, 5:5)

       Since in my previous sermons I talked about the kinds of temptations and the reasons for which God allows us to be tempted – to our benefit and for the salvation of our souls –, this time, I have thought about talking about the temptations that present themselves to the humble as well as those that befall the proud. In what follows, it will become evident that Our Good Lord does not allow for all people to be tempted in the same way; but rather, there are many different types of temptations, according to His indescribable and unfathomable wisdom. We will see that in the case of the humble and gentle persons, who realize their powerlessness and unworthiness well, Our Good and All-wise God does not release temptations and problems that are too big. In the case of proud and haughty people, God allows for great and heavy temptations and problems to come upon them, which, many times, surpass their limits of patience. He does this will great wisdom and economy, in order to bring such people back to humility and humbleness, to make them acknowledge their powerlessness and unworthiness here on earth, and make them all come to the holy path of salvation.

Biserica Bucur

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About Elder Cleopa

The XXth Century Patericon

Interview with Stylianos Kementzetzidis

K.I.: The Holy Fathers are the extension of the Gospel into the world, because the Church is the “workshop” of holiness.
Over the centuries, Orthodoxy has offered a lot of patristic figures. They are not absent during our century, either, as they are God’s great gift to us, who live in the world and have a worldly way of thinking. Mr. Kementzetzidis, let us start with the way in which you met Father Cleopa. Tell us about the impression that this Romanian Father made on you.


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